Seth hasn’t written for the show since 2005 and in this exact scene brian says “I love black people, I watch tons of black porn” I’m sick of seeing people take this scene seriously and people who do are so obnoxious
People need to actually remember why the hashtag was made instead of just using it as a defence for still watching kids movies, because that’s all I ever saw it used for
I noticed this during the Holiday Special for season 23 because Randy has a whole new character model but Jesus and Santa still look like their Spirit Of Christmas designs
Guys I’m fucking serious the guy who killed Franz Ferdinand had a furry wolf with wings and shit helping him sim the gun I’m not insane I swear
I hope this preacher becomes an example for other Christian’s to follow, it makes me happy knowing there are preachers out there using their position to actually spread love and faith instead of fear mongering for monetary gain or bigotry
She posted the full version of this scene months ago saying “I just know Seth was pissed at twitter when he wrote this scene” she is not slick💀
Tom standupmonkey McGillis: alright guys after 10 years of writing we’ve made the perfect season where-
The VA of the planned finalist everytime for some reason:
I have all four these games on a cartridge but because they’re formatted from the 4-1 for some reason, it just looks like Layton is getting more depressed as the games go on
This guy reminds me of a post from a few weeks ago which said that transphobes don’t know about the existence of transmascs and think every trans person is transfem
When the game puts in an annoying segment of a mission and they actively acknowledge through “funny” quips about how annoying it is to do, like why would you put it in if you know people won’t enjoy the mission