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Les Cater Profile
Les Cater



Many years behind the camera has given me a well rounded understanding of wildlife and the natural world. Three times published wildlife photographer in 2022

East coast Suffolk, England.
Joined July 2016
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Les Cater
1 year
I would like to sincerely say, thank you all new and old followers for taking so much interest in my wildlife photography. Your kindness has now taken me over the 2000 followers mark. I have met so many kind, like minded and talented people here on twitter which enriches my life
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Les Cater
2 years
It's official, the British Dragonfly Society have accepted and recorded my discovery of a Scarlet darter @RSPBMinsmere in July this year. It is only the 13th recorded in the UK, the best bit is it's a first for Suffolk. I am honoured, chuffed to have found this beautiful Darter.
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Les Cater
2 years
It's been a pleasurable and wonderful time I have spent this past six weeks with the Dartford Warblers on the heath. The early starts have been worth while, in so many different ways. The light, the moments when they appear, and the expression of the birds, always makes me smile.
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Les Cater
11 months
To capture insects in flight, sometimes needs a bit of luck. This small Skipper was luck, and I think it flew into view as the main subject flew off, namely a Marbled white butterfly. Still, it's not a bad example of a very small butterfly in flight. 😉
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Les Cater
3 years
April 2018, Minsmere, all alone under Island mere hide I witnessed something unique, a bittern flew in, landed and started to do something I have never seen before Then a second bittern arrived, It was a pair bonding and about to mate. Such a special moment in my life, just magic
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Les Cater
2 years
This coming year, there will be more of a challenge to get birds in flight. I do not do enough of that sort of photography, but it's about time I put myself and my more than capable equipment to the test. I will enjoy every moment out there with the wonderful wildlife anyway.
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Les Cater
2 years
The #Sparrow hawk that visits our garden, seems very much at home now. Sometimes he comes five times a week, other times only two. We love to watch him while having breakfast, the best bit is, the others birds carry on feeding while he is bathing. Nature can be so rewarding.
Les Cater
2 years
Last weekend @RSPBMinsmere I looked at a patch of gorse, only to find an Adder emerging out of the gorse six foot above the ground. Then there were two, this one in the sluffing stage, followed by another adder. In the end, there were five adders in all on top of the gorse bush😀
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Les Cater
1 year
One of my first #dartford warblers photos from Dunwich heath some years ago. I was totally taken by them, not for their beauty, well that as well, but for their inquisitive, friendly and cheeky nature. They always hide out of sight, then out of nowhere, pop up and surprise you!!
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Les Cater
1 year
My favourite Dartford warbler photo from 2022, It will soon be time to catch up and spend some time with them before spring sets in. I personally think that Dartford warblers are the most beautiful heathland birds we have here in the UK.
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Les Cater
4 years
This is one of my best captures from two years ago. House sitting for friends only to find a Spotted Flycatcher nesting on a climbing rose by the front door. Managed to position myself well away from nest and watch the male and female hunt for food. Caught a purple hair streak.
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Les Cater
2 years
I had forgotten how beautiful this moment was I experienced a few years ago. To be able to sit no more then a few feet away on a grass bank next to this grasshopper warbler, coming up out of the grass to sing. This went on and off for more than an hour as the sun went down.
Les Cater
2 years
It seems I now have over a thousand followers on twitter. I would like to thank everyone who follows me, the likes and comments I receive are very generous and sincere. I am pleased to meet so many like minded people, to be able to share what we see when Photographing wildlife.😊
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Les Cater
2 years
The pure pleasure I get just sitting down low on the ground, waiting for the Dartfords to pop up on top of the Heather on a cold sunny morning. Takes me to a different world for a while, free from the one we live in on a daily basis. Nature gives us the chance to escape sadness😊
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Les Cater
2 years
I would like to thank all my new followers on twitter. It is a pleasure to share my experiences and sometimes, adventures out into the world of wildlife. The best part is, I get to see all my followers excellent and diverse photos of many different subjects. Bittern @RSPBMinsmere
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Les Cater
2 years
When you have spent five consecutive days in a hide @RSPBMinsmere a few years ago, through all sorts of weather, waiting for that special moment when the #Bittern comes closer to you. This was close!!, looking straight down the lens at me. This happened on day five, amazing day.
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Les Cater
2 years
Red Scarlet Darter, What a day on Thursday the 28th. On a trip to find and see Dragon and Damselflies @RSPBMinsmere At first, I thought I had photographed a Red Veined Darter but It turned out to be a Scarlet Darter, a first for Suffolk, and only the 13th one recorded in the UK.
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Les Cater
2 years
With my images I always try to show how beautiful the subject is through my own vision of what I see. This means, I always use the good light, colour, and background to speak for me like some artists do. To show the beauty of the subject as I see it, and wildlife is beautiful.
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Les Cater
2 years
It's time to leave the Dartfords to their nesting time and the fledging of chicks on the Heath. It has been a wonderful eight weeks, which I will not forget. They are such sociable birds in their birding world, always full of surprises. Bottom left photo, a gift for the female.
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Les Cater
2 years
Just love this photo of the male Dartford seeing off another male in the gorse on Westleton Heath on Friday. They are getting more territorial lately, as we move into spring. He has a female on a nest somewhere on the heath, and he will protect the area with a lot of chasing off.
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Les Cater
1 year
Today I witnessed something amazing @RSPBMinsmere on the south path looking for Dragonflies, I was drawn to a very loud and frantic Cetti's calling. At first I thought it was a fight between two males, but it was a male and female in a courtship display. Filmed through branches😱
Les Cater
2 years
A few of my past early winter days out at first light, to capture the sun as it rises on the coast line and the dunes. This for me is the best and only time to capture the #Dartfords at their best. Stunning.
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Les Cater
7 months
The Waxwings this afternoon were just brilliant, they came to the trees and stayed feeding for lengthy amount of time. At the end of the day, I used the brickwork of the houses behind to give the images something different. I have done this before, and It's nice to be creative.
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Les Cater
4 months
A simple photo with a wonderful little male Stonechat, sitting on some dead gorse, in the last hour of sunlight, the golden hour. Nothing more to be said. Taken @RSPBMinsmere a few days ago.
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Les Cater
2 years
My second visit to Westleton heath today, was for the Dartford warblers. The weather was not too good, the sun did come out a few times, but not for this photo. The legs on this male are very yellow, but I have seen this a few times in the past. What a stunning male Dartford.
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Les Cater
2 years
Another good example why a winters sunrise is a good time to catch the #Dartford warblers, as they emerge from their night resting place in the gorse. Looking to warm up and find food to see them through the cold winters day. I love the almost black background, typical of winter.
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Les Cater
7 months
The last few years we get every autumn a Sparrow hawk visits our garden. We had put out during the hot summer an old roasting tin full of water for the birds, he decided it was a good place to take a bath most days. Yesterday the Sparrow hawk has returned to our garden again😊
Les Cater
1 year
The last few days I have been watching a pair of Tree Creepers building a nest in a dead tree. One of the rewarding moments, was to see the male feed the female at the end of each day. This seems to be a bonding technic the male uses to entice the female into the nest. Beautiful.
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Les Cater
6 months
The Waxwings have to qualify for the bird with the most wonderful hair style that visit the UK. Before the waxwings came down to the tree, one which looks to be a look out, comes down first every time regular as clock work yesterday. They are amazing creatures that's for sure.
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Les Cater
2 years
It is always a pleasure starting the day at dawn. As the sun rises and warms up the heath, it does not take long before the Dartford warblers appear. Males are now setting out their territories and hopefully all have females ready for the breeding season. What a stunning bird.
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Les Cater
7 months
Waxwings at Reydon this afternoon were a treat for the eyes. Seventeen in a small flock, came down relaxed in small numbers to feed on the depleted berries. Weather was not that great and you had to work hard to get the right exposure. Scandinavian beauties we see once a year. 😍
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Les Cater
1 year
Boyton marshes today, I was hoping to see the Firecrest and after about four hours the Firecrest put on a wonderful show, flitting about the trees catching insects. Such a cracking little bird to enjoy while capturing a few photos. Great day and time catching up with old friends.
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Les Cater
5 months
One of my pleasures in my photography was the years I spent with the Dartford warblers, mostly through the autumn/winter months. Those days gave me such inspiration and the need to understand more about the species and it's habits. Such charismatic, cheeky, beautiful individuals.
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Les Cater
1 year
Still one of my best photos of a Spotted flycatcher bringing back a purple hairstreak butterfly to the nest for their young. This was taken several years ago at a friends house on the Norfolk/Suffolk border, we were house sitting for a week. Best holiday we ever had, Bird wise.😊
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Les Cater
2 years
What a stunning bird this #Red backed shrike is, an early start once again paid off. With a tip from a friend where to look at Shingle street, I soon found it feeding. To land in a perfect spot, made this photo extra special. It's been such a pleasure to see this cracking bird.😊
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Les Cater
2 years
This afternoon @RSPBMinsmere The male Black Redstart was flying from one end of the sand martin cliffs enclosure to the other side. Fortunately, it came down from the posts to feed on the ground a few times. A hard bird to photograph, but these came out ok.
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Les Cater
1 year
Some years ago, I had the pleasure of spending time with a female Kingfisher, who would come to a perch no more than a few feet away from where I was sitting. Some days she would fall asleep, I looked on with a smile on my face. Three months she trusted me and we became friends😊
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Les Cater
2 years
There will be a new blog tomorrow on my web site about Dartford warblers. It is an update about this year, so if you can please have a look. Short in text, but more in photos. Enjoy.
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Les Cater
1 year
One of those moments you will never forget, a male Bittern displaying to a female his intentions. This is one from a series of photos taken five years ago 2018, of two bitterns going through a courtship display. The neck feathers on the male spirals out in layers, amazing to see.
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Les Cater
5 months
Wishing everyone here on Twitter, all my friends and followers, a Happy and healthy new year 2024. I reposted this Waxwing photo as a thank you to all the wonderful people here on twitter who I have made friends with, and so many wonderful kind like minded Wildlife enthusiasts.
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Les Cater
2 years
A small bird in a very big world, #Red backed shrike from my visit to Shingle street yesterday. I really like this simple example, how we see the world around us. I wonder how the bird sees the world it lives in, is their perspective very different to ours. The answer, who knows.
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Les Cater
1 year
Waxwings at #Reydon were still present on Monday afternoon. The berries on the stems at the base of the rowan tree are now all gone, these were the last on those stems. This photo was taken on the 27th June, so I think they will soon move on and find an alternative food supply.
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Les Cater
2 months
I had my first fighting Adders view today.A smaller adder was laying with it's female, then a much larger male turned up. It was an epic battle that the smaller male lost three times. The female rejected the larger males approach and slithered off. She returned with her own male.
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Les Cater
7 months
When I started out photographing birds some years ago, it was all about the photo, capturing that perfect shot. These days, it's simply the experience you gain and pure pleasure of spending time with them. The photo to me today is a reflection of what I see and share with others.
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Les Cater
2 years
Dartford warbler, What a cracking looking Dartford this young male is. Captured feeding in the warm sunlight on Wednesday. It's not often you find them on the wild lupins actually on the fringe of the beach that meets the dunes. Just love watching this little chap reach maturity.
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Les Cater
2 years
Bearded Tit hanging and feeding from the top of the reed seed heads @RSPBminsmere early this morning. This stunning, beautiful male was with a flock of about 20+ on the path just up from south hide. The early sunlight, gave the whole show a warm glow, in the cold winter air.
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Les Cater
2 months
It's not often I leave a great deal of space around a bird, but in this case with this stunning male Common Redstart @RSPBMinsmere this afternoon. It shows the bird in the shade of the tree with the distant grass field beyond and the colours of spring makes this photo for me.
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Les Cater
1 year
Bearded tit male, nicely on top of the reed head, no wind and plenty of late afternoon sunlight. Boyton marsh late afternoon today, on a short visit. Back ground is everything with such a composition, more so if the colour tone is throughout the image. One of my best photos 2023.
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Les Cater
2 years
Yesterday at home while I was getting breakfast, I looked out of the kitchen window. To my utter surprise and an overwhelming sense of pleasure, two stunning Nuthatch's appeared on a piece of oak branch propping up our home made feeding station. A first for me in fifty years.
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Les Cater
2 years
Looking back at the highlights of this year in my garden, a visiting pair of #Nuthatches on one of my perches. We have never seen one in the area, and this was the one and only visit we have had in twelve years of living here. Such a beautiful looking bird.
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Les Cater
2 years
A few more of the excellent Black Redstarts at RSPBMinsmere, This time one of the two females that were there on Monday. Cracking birds to see, and my first for three years.😊👍
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Les Cater
1 year
An early start on a cold day, made for a wonderful opportunity to spend time with some #Waxwings . I wanted to capture as much on these stunning birds plumage as possible with some movement. I had some amazing results, and this is one of them which I really like. Stunning birds.
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Les Cater
2 years
Sitting quietly having my lunch on a concrete block, when I heard a voice say quietly, "BEHIND YOU" I looked over my shoulder, a Dartford landed in a bush next to me, I stood up, positioned my camera, after a few moments, it flew onto the block with this beetle. Amazing to watch.
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Les Cater
2 years
On Westleton Heath at the crack of dawn, I managed to capture this Dartford male in a beam of sunlight. The air was chilled, but as soon as the sun appeared over the heath, the Dartfords come out to warm up. Ready for another day settling in for the nesting season with a female.
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Les Cater
1 year
Waxwings from yesterday, the light was good and the #Waxwings fed regularly even thought they were short. Watching them, was so pleasurable and heart warming to see such stunning birds, who only visit in the winter. There were, two males ?, one female and what looks an juvenile.
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Les Cater
2 years
One of my first Dartford warbler images of 2017 from Westleton Heath, Suffolk. There is no doubt, that from my encounter with this Dartford, my love for these birds grew, it was the beginning of an ongoing interest in the species, and will be part of my life long into the future.
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Les Cater
2 years
Monday @rspbminsmere , This is one of the bearded tit's that are showing well for some weeks now. I seemed to have photographed this one male, free of any skyline and surprisingly, free of the reeds. It is virtually impossible to pick out one bird on one reed stem. A nice surprise
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Les Cater
1 year
Late morning visit to Boyton, the Firecrest decided it would sit still for about five seconds and have a really good scratch, in doing so he put up his crest. This was a first for me, as I have never seen one do that in all my years, so it was a real treat to see and photograph😊
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Les Cater
1 year
It's not often I capture a bird in flight or take off. To capture a Bearded tit in this pose, is a not a first for me, but this one is the sharpest so far. This is from Tuesday, and what a day it was, most of us there had such brilliant views and photos that day on a sunny day.
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Les Cater
6 months
After a slow start this morning looking for snow buntings and found none, I headed over to Rendlesham village to see if I can find the Waxwings. After about an hour they turned up but they disappeared to a private garden. Fortunately they returned to the small tree by the school.
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Les Cater
2 years
A big thank you @BirdGuides for choosing my photo for their 21/05/22 news feed article. Which is about the success of the Dartford warblers increasing numbers on the RSPB sites across the UK. The records show that the "Heathland" population has grown due to habitat preservation.
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Les Cater
5 months
A few years ago at Landguard Felixstowe, two White spotted blue throats tuned up. They got a lot of attention and it was near impossible to get a clear photo of one. After they were reported gone, my mate said actually one was still there. So, here it is my first W/S/ Bluethroat.
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Les Cater
1 year
This last few weeks of the new year, has given me a chance to photograph some amazing birds here in Suffolk. What I have been able to do, is use the back ground in a way I like. This allows me to be more creative and portray the Bearded tit and the Waxwing with all their beauty😊
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Les Cater
2 years
Over the years photographing Dartford Warblers, I have often tried to get variation of back grounds in the photo, especially when the opportunity arose. These are only a few, always from Autumn-Winter time, when the light is brilliant. That time of year, they are happy to perch.
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Les Cater
7 months
I have processed some more photos from our trip to South Uist this year back in June 2023. Found this photo that was taken early in the morning as the sun was rising. This photo of the SEO's on South Uist shows how beautiful and majestic these owls are.
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Les Cater
2 years
It seems very quiet on the bird front everywhere at the moment. So, here is one from my archives from a few years ago. #Kingfisher young female taken at Lackford lakes. Such stunning birds we see all the year round, we are lucky to have them in the UK, gorgeous plumage. 😊😊
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Les Cater
2 years
This sequence of photos of the mating Bitterns you have seen before. I am posting some again for the 75th anniversary of @RSPBMinsmere from my special moments I have witnessed and experienced there. These are unique captures of a rarely seen act of mating Bitterns. Just amazing.
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Les Cater
1 year
HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone. Single #Waxwing today at Reydon, Southwould. We were driving through Reydon and the wife said, there are some photographers photographing something in a tree. I turned into the road, so glad I had put my camera in the car today. First bird of the year.
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Les Cater
7 months
There's something special about lichen on ancient tree branches, they are so subtle in colours of greens and creams. When you get the chance to photograph a Crested tit on such a branch, it all comes together to create a cold damp feeling with a memory of that ancient woodland.
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Les Cater
2 years
#Sparrow hawk, a regular visitor for a bath in our garden. Those eyes are so mesmerising, what a beautiful bird of prey. Watch the video posted earlier, it is a pleasure to be able to see this Sparrow hawk visit out garden most says while we are having breakfast.
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Les Cater
2 years
Is it not just marvellous when you put out an old baking tin full of water, then everyday this cracking #Sparrow hawk comes in the afternoon for a bath. Amazing views, even better when the birds carry on feeding on the feeders, because they know they are safe while it is bathing
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Les Cater
2 years
One more from my special time with a pair of #Spotted flycatchers, a few years ago now. There seem to be more reported lately, hopefully I can catch up with one very soon. Look under the beak of the lower bird, there is an insect hiding. They sat together sometimes for a rest.
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Les Cater
1 year
Our holiday on South Uist has come to an end and we head homeward bound back to Suffolk via Yorkshire tomorrow. Uist has far more than I expected, the stunning scenery, the people, and culture here is something to never forget. The birds were fantastic, with two lifers for me.😊
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Les Cater
1 year
What a fantastic bird to see and photograph, Ring Ouzel on westleton heath today. A massive thank you to my mate Alf 👍, for putting me onto this stunner. It was coming out of a scrub area to feed, seemed happy to come close. I had to lay down on the ground most of the time.
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Les Cater
1 year
A few more Hare photos from today on Havergate island trip. The Hares were happy to sit and pose for us all, some more then others. One Hare spent most of the day simply resting, occasionally stretching in photo three, only to sit back down. I think it had decided it was Sunday😆
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Les Cater
1 year
Some of the nesting materials the Tree creepers had chosen, were a bit ambitious at times. Some bits were to big to get into the nest area, this made the tree creeper a bit angry at times. With a push, shove and a lot of twittering, it did finally go in. What a laugh at times😂
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Les Cater
5 months
Posting this Image of a close encounter with a Bittern a few years ago, as I am still house bound unfortunately. I will never forget, just how close a bittern would come while we were as a small group of patient photographers under the hide in the cold all hoping one would show.
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Les Cater
2 years
Today @rspbminsmere , even in the poor, cold weather, the Bearded tit's were in abundance. Many people enjoyed their fascinating feeding show that lasted at least four hours on and off. A Sparrow hawk crashed through them, taking one off the reeds. It had plenty to choose from.
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Les Cater
2 years
Lessor Yellow Legs @RSPBMinsmere this afternoon. I found it by chance, with an Redshank keeping out of the wind, In a pool between the sluice and public hide on the dunes. This is definitely A Lessor yellow legs, you can only see half of the legs.😆
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Les Cater
1 year
#Dartford warbler Westleton heath last year. It's wonderful for me to think this will make publication one day. Such a brilliant moment when it popped up right in front of me, he just stared at me and slowly moved down out of sight. Such a precious moment in my photography life.
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Les Cater
2 years
Every year we get the pleasure of seeing the Humming Bee Hawk Moth visit our garden. Tricky to photograph, but fun and a joy to see again. Centranthus ruber, (Red Valerian) is the plant they like which, grows like weeds when they get going. But we love them and so do the insects.
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Les Cater
1 year
Love the curves of the old dead tree matched with the shape of the #Tree creeper. Even the back ground sits well with the total image and gives the photo a subtle depth. Sometimes a dull day can improve such an capture, and shadows and highlights have no influence on the outcome.
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Les Cater
2 months
I went this morning to see the Red backed shrike @RSPBMinsmere It was on the left in the reserve of the north wall. I went to the beach, walked along the shore line, came up to a tidal cut in the dunes. There I sat out of sight, my patience paid off, it came onto the beach side.
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Les Cater
3 years
Dartford warbler male (sylvia undata), It's great to see the Dartfords finally starting to get there winter plumage ready for the spring. This male was full in song and doing display flights, A bit early by my reckoning. They can start early nesting if winter weather is mild.
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Les Cater
1 year
A few more photos from yesterday, It was one of the best days with bearded tits I have had since last year January at Minsmere. Everything about the light, back ground and wind still, made for a perfect photographic experience. The views were stunning to say the least. Amazing.
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Les Cater
1 year
#BirdsSeenIn2023 Firecrest, RSPB Boyton marsh, Suffolk, England. One of three seen at this location.
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Les Cater
4 years
I thought I would show with some photos, that through late Autumn to late Winter, the light is so much better and crisper. It's a really good time to photograph these stunning birds before they move into the nesting season. They are also at their best plumage wise. So beautiful.
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Les Cater
1 year
Linnet, today on the dunes @RSPBMinsmere These lovely little birds are often overlooked. When you hear one singing out over the dunes like today, I had to stop and listened for some time with a smile on my face. A beautiful sound that was music to my ears on a sunny afternoon.
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Les Cater
1 year
Looking forward to this years growth in our wildlife garden. I am now adding a bug/amphibian/beetle hotel made of all our cuttings of willow, apple, pear/ logs/autumn leaves mixed with soil and sand. It will have ac living roof made of insect friendly plants. photo last year 2022
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Les Cater
5 months
Sat at home, not able to get out and spend time with the wildlife, is getting a bit tiresome. To connect and be at one with natures wonders has certainly made me realise, that my life is being in the wild surrounded by creatures and natures beauties is integral to my well being.
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Les Cater
6 months
The Crested tits in the ancient woodlands of the Scottish highlands, have a forest full of lichen, heather and all manor of moss and other wonderful growth. Some of the old fallen tree stumps are covered with all those beautiful plants which look like mini cliffs edge plants. 😊
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Les Cater
1 year
It's been a wonderful experience these past few weeks here in Suffolk. After four years of not seeing Waxwings, this year has made up for those lean years. We are very lucky, the rest of England seems to be very quiet on the #waxwing front. I hope more are on their way to the UK.
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Les Cater
2 years
My visit to @RSPBMinsmere today, was to see if the Bearded tits were back in a feeding mode, that requires them to pick up grit to digest their food. So far due to the weather, still sitting low in the reed beds. Hopefully soon, they will be in seed feeding mode. Photo Jan 2022
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Les Cater
2 years
The Dartford's are my one and only favourite species, the Bearded Tit comes at a very close second place. Either way, both species are stunning and beautiful to see and photograph. Both seen and photographed @RSPBMinsmere The reserve holds many wonderful species. my local patch.
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Les Cater
1 year
Look who is back after a couple of months of being away from the garden. Unfortunately, the tray was low on water, so the Sparrow hawk had a problem bathing. It decided after a few attempts to bath, it then hopped into the pond and tried there, but returned back to the tray again
Les Cater
2 years
#BBCWildlifePOTD Female Black redstart at Minemere late afternoon on Monday, She was sitting on the concrete blocks hunting for her food.
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Les Cater
1 year
Today on one of the many RSPB Havergate trips to the island for the wildlife, I was lucky to be there as an RSPB trainee guide. I have seen these Hares before on work parties, but some of the faces of the hares were quite expressional in ways I have not seen before. Brilliant😂
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Les Cater
1 year
My daughter sent me this photo today, it's one of a sequence of the male Blue tit, passing a seed to the female. This photo struck me, as no matter how bad life can be, wildlife like these two little precious birds no nothing of our world as it is, what a freedom to experience.😊
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Les Cater
1 year
It was nice to see so many little birds in the woods @RSPBMinsmere yesterday afternoon. One was this lovely Tree creeper amongst three goldcrests and two lovely Bull finches. No sign of the Firecrest, but that will be for another day soon I hope.
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Les Cater
11 months
I was looking back to those wonderful years I had with Dartford warblers during the late Autumn to early March. With many early morning first light starts to capture that amazing first light of the day. These are some of my favourites with lovely back ground colours and light.
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